Wednesday, January 5, 2011

January Reading List

So, as you've probably noticed, I haven't been posting a Best Book of (Insert current month here) post for a few months now. This is because I've been reading, here and there. but I haven't finished reading anything for a long time and, unfortunately, that was also the case for December. BUT! Never fear! I just went to Borders Books and Music over the weekend and picked up four new books to sink my teeth into! My goal for this month is to finish reading at least one of them so that I finally have a proper Best Book of... post to write for the month of January! Now, without further ado, meet my shiny new additions to my already overflowing bookshelf:A Blue So Dark by Holly Schindler

The Twin's Daughter by Lauren Baratz-Logsted

The Mockingbirds by Daisy Whitney

Fallen by Lauren Kate

Gorgeous covers, no? :) I've started reading Mockingbirds and Fallen and really like them so far! Plus, I've seen all of these books mentioned in the blogosphere, so really, how could I not read them?! :)
Hoping for a much more detailed Best of... post this month,

1 comment:

  1. I've read both "Fallen" and the sequel "Torment" - since you like "Hush, Hush" you'll probably like that one, but I personally liked Becca Fitzpatrick's books better. Lauren Kate does do some cool things in establishing the rules of her world, tho.
