Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Hello, World!

Hello, world and welcome to our blog! I suck at introductions, so I'm going to introduce myself the best way I know how...with lists!

The Basics

Name: Ella

Age: 21

Where I live: The Last Frontier

Who I live with: My parents, two younger sisters, my Golden Lab-Golden Retriever mix, Ginger (who is the biggest baby you will ever meet), my Yorkshire Terrier Sammy (who really does live up to his name and can be a real "terror" at times, but also knows when to turn on the charm and the cuteness to get what he wants!) and my kitten, Bella (who, if you haven't guessed already, is named after Twilight's Bella Swan and who thinks she's a dog! Example: she uses the doggie door, comes running when she hears the box of dog treats being opened and loves to eat dog food. Is that a weird cat, or what?


What I Read: J.K. Rowling, Stephenie Meyer, Stephen King, Kimberly Derting, Becca Fitzpatrick, Jackson Pearce, Kamie Garcia & Maragret Stohl, Bree Despain, I could go on and on!

What I Write: I'm obsessed with all things Young Adult, so naturally, it's what I love to write with a little scariness, romance and suspense thrown in!

What I Watch: Pushing Daises, Veronica Mars, Huge, Make It Or Break It, The Tudors, Gilmore Girls, Charmed, Friday Night Lights, Glee, Vampire Diaries, etc., etc.!

What I Listen To: I enjoy current stuff, but I adore Classic Rock like The Beatles, Queen, Fleetwood Mac, Elton John, Billy Joel, I love it all!

Well, that's pretty much all I can think of to say about myself at the moment, but if you want to know more about me (and who wouldn't, lol?) then feel free to leave a comment with your burning questions! Before I go though, I just wanted to say how grateful I am to be a part of my fabulous critique group and this blog! As a group, we've been through so much already in the short months that we've known each other, but I wouldn't dream of going on this crazy writing journey with anyone but this fantastic girls! They're everything and more that I could have ever asked for in a group! They're great friends, critique partners, listeners, advice-givers, and cheerleaders, but they also know when to give me a swift kick in the pants, tell me to pick myself up and to keep on writing! So thank you guys so much for everything, I couldn't do this without you! :) <3

OK, sorry, mushiness over, but I just had to get that off my chest! Anywho, stay tuned tomorrow to meet the fabulous and uber organized, Aaron! :)

See you next time!

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